Monday 30 January 2012

Desperate Encounter In A Railway Train

When I have finished my PhD I have been considering writing a book called 'The Grim Victorian Railway' (and thoughts on a postcard.) Therefore, for mere interest, I did a bit of looking through 19th century newspapers for evidence of crime, deviance and horror that occurred on the railway network in the period. This article from Trewman's Exeter Flying Post or Plymouth and Cornish Advertiser from 11 May 1848 particularly peaked my interest. It seems that three prisoners were being conveyed by train from Edinburgh to Warwick when they attempted an escape. The convicts overpowered the constable and attempted to push him out of a window. Yet, they were unsuccessful as 'they would have accomplished their purpose but for the smallness of the aperture through which they endeavoured to thrust him.' Eventually, only one of the prisoners got away,the others ending up in the Warwick gaol.

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